• Werres Corporation, Parking Enforcement Vehicle, Go-4, Westward Industries


    Task Specific Vehicles
    Increased Operator Performance. Our fuel efficient engine offers low maintenance costs and excellent fuel economy.
  • Werres Corporation, Parking Enforcement Vehicle, Go-4, Westward Industries

    Space Saving. Ergonomical. The NEW GO-4.

    The GO-4 is an urban utility vehicle designed and engineered for navigating with ease in space conscious locations.

    An ideal fit for parking enforcement agencies, police departments, event patrol, university campuses, security patrol, water meter reading, airports, golf courses, zoo’s and more.

- Westward GO-4 Street Legal Patrol Vehicles -

  • Werres Corporation, Parking Enforcement Vehicle, Go-4, Westward Industries

    Gas Powered

    The GO-4 has been operated as a parking enforcement vehicle for cities like Seattle and San Francisco since the early 1990′s.

    At only 52 inches wide it requires much less room in a street lane. In dense locations, it can navigate traffic much quicker than traditional vehicles.

    Extremely efficient with a 69 horsepower 1.0L engine, average 45 MPG. It is slender yet robust in design, built for safety and dependability. A workhorse of many parking agencies.

  • Werres Corporation, Parking Enforcement Vehicle, Go-4, Westward Industries

    100% Electric

    Our EV has plenty of power and range from its 96 Volt 32 cell lithium ion battery and 19.2 KW electric motor. Charges on 110V or 220V, uses a standard J1772 electric vehicle plug. 220V charges in 5-6 hours while 110V can take 10-12 hours.

    Average Range is between 65-75 miles. Overall we have experienced extremes ranging from 55 to 100 miles. Many factors affect range such as terrain, climate, battery care… In many states you can charge a full cycle for under $1.50 per day.

    This is an ideal electric vehicle for municipalities, or any other agency seeking a green commuter.

NOTE: All GO-4 Vehicles are available on the State of Maryland Contract.

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